2016. gads

  1. Brēde, M. Phonetic aspect of prominence in public speaking. Contrastive and Applied Linguistics XVI, Rīga, pp. 6 – 17.
  2. Kalnbērziņa, V. Local Lecturers, International Students and their Linguistic Compatibility, Linking Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Languages for Scientific and Professional Capacity Building BOOK OF ABSTRACTS May 26-27, 2016 Department of English Studies and Centre for Applied Linguistics Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia Riga, Latvia.
  3. Kalnbērziņa, V. Code switching strategies in academic environment, 2nd International Conference on Communication across cultures, Book of Abstracts, University of Social Sciences, Warsaw.
  4. Karpinska, L. Analysis of Equivalents in English-Latvian and Latvian-English Dictionaries of Legal Terms. Linguistics Beyond and Within 2016 – International Linguistics Conference in Lublin “Controversy in Linguistics and Language Studies”: Book of Abstracts, Lublin, 2016, 66-67.
  5. Karapetjana, I., Dorosenko, J. Pragmatic aspects of discourse analysis. From Text Linguistics to Discourse Analysis. Discourse Linguistics and Beyond. (1) Discourse in Academic Settings, Regensburg: Sprachlit, 2016, 201.-208.
  6. Karapetjana, I., Kuzmina, J. From Text Linguistics to Discourse Analysis. Discourse Linguistics and Beyond. (1) Discourse in Academic Settings, Regensburg: Sprachlit, 2016, 106.-112.
  7. Karapetjana, I., Roziņa, G. Rhetorical Structure of the Research Article in Dentistry. Russian Linguistic Bulletin (Krievija). Volume 3(7), 2016, 10-14.
  8. Karapetjana, I., Roziņa, G. (ar līdzautoriem) Transversal Skills in Dentistry: Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach. European Space project on Smart Items, Big Data, Future Internet- Towards Serving the Grand Societal Challenges (V. Kantere & B. Koch (eds.). SCITEPRESS, 2017; indeksēts Thomson Reuters, Inspec. DBLP, SciVerse, Scopus (pieņemts publicēšanai)
  9. Karapetjana, I., Roziņa G. Transversal Skills in the World of Work: Applied Linguistics’Approach. Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture, Volume 6, 2017. (EBSCO) (pieņemts publicēšanai)
  10. Kuzmina J. EU Presidency Programme as a Genre. The Baltic Journal of the English Language Literature and Culture, (7) Riga: University of Latvia, 2017. (EBSCO) (pieņemts publicēšanai)
  11. Kuzmina J. Genre as Category for Analysis. Discourse Linguistics in Contemporary and Eastern Europe and Beyond. (2), Regensburg: Sprachlit, 2017.   (pieņemts publicēšanai)
  12. Ločmele, G., Mousten B. A. Tale of Two Re-branded Cities: Riga, Latvia and Aarhus, Denmark. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. International Conference; Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision, MTIP2016, 11-13 May 2016, Riga, Latvia. Edited by Marina Platonova and Larisa Ilinska. Volume 231, 5 October 2016, Elsevier, Open Access. Pages 208–215 (ir ScienceDirect datu bāzē)
  13. Ločmele, G. Translated Advertising in Latvia as a Reflection of the Attitude towards the Latvian Language. Sastatāmā un lietišķā valodniecība. Zinātniskie raksti. .XVI sējums. Red. A. Veisbergs. Rīga, 2016. 25 lpp.
  14. Ločmele, G. Translator’s Role in Advertisement Translation in Latvia of 1920s and 1930s. Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision.L.Ilynska and M. Platonova (red.). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 81 -99.
  15. Ločmele, G. Book review. Ildikó Horváth. 2012.  Interpreter Behaviour: A psychological approach. Budapest: Hang Nyelviskola Bt. | ISBN 978-963-08-4976-0. Vertimo Studijos. Vilnius.
  16. Placinska, A., Karapetjana, I. Language of Troubled Times. Creativity of Manipulation. Russian Linguistic Bulletin. Part 1, Volume 4(8), 2016, 34-40.
  17. Roziņa, G. Pragmalinguistic Perspective in Discourse Theory. Pieņemts publicēšanai 2017. g. izdevniecības “Sprachlit Editorial House”, Regensburg, Germany  zinātnisko rakstu krājumā.
  18. Roziņa, G., Karapetjana, I. Systemic Functional Theory and Discourse research. Pieņemts publicēšanai 2017.g. izdevniecības “Sprachlit Editorial House”, Regensburg, Germany  zinātnisko rakstu krājumā.
  19. Veisbergs, A. Translations, translators and Translation Criticism in Latvia between the Wars (1918–1940). Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture, vol. 6. 2016, 124-156.
  20. Veisbergs, A. Translationese, Translatorese, Interference. L. Ilyinska, M.Platonova (eds.) Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, 25-52.
  21. Veisbergs, A. Frazeoloģija un frazeoloģismi – teorija un prakse Mīlenbaha–Endzelīna vārdnīcā. Valsts valodas komisijas Raksti 8. sēj. Rīga: Zinātne, 2016, 61-77.
  22. Veisbergs, A. The Shifts in Translation Policies during the Soviet and German Occupations in Latvia (1939-1945). Abstracts. Perspectives of Baltic Philology III. International Conference “The Apocalypse and the Ends of the Worlds”. Poznan University: 16-17.6.2016. p. 36.
  23. Veisbergs, A. Change of Lexical and Phraseological Meaning in Latvian (Reasons, Speed, Consequences). Abstracts of the Jonas Jablonskis International Conference. “Meaning in Language and Culture”. Vilnius University 2016. 59-61.
  24. Veisbergs, A. Gender and translation – what can go wrong. Abstracts of the International conference “Translation and Gender”. Riga 2016. p.6.
  25. Veisbergs, A. Phraseology in General Bilingual Dictionary: Idioms as Equivalents of Single Words. Fraseologia Contrastiva. Abstracts. Milan: Universita degli Studi di Milano. 2016. p. 72.
  26. Vinčela, Z. Complex Sentences and their Punctuation in English Texts Composed by Latvian Students. Man and the World: Didactic Linguistics Vol. 18, N 1 2016, 96.–105.
  27. Auziņa,I., Vaivade, V., Šalme, A., Berķe, M., Lazareva, A. Laipa. Latviešu valoda pieaugušajiem. A2 līmenis; mācību līdzekļu komplekts. Rīga: Latviešu valodas aģentūra (Sagatavots izdošanai).
  28. Šalme, A., Anspoka, Z., Vaivade, V. Komunikatīvā pieeja valodas apguvē. Monogrāfija. [Plānots izdot 2016. gadā]. Rīga: LVA, 120 lpp.